Inside the Ink

100th Week in Breach
March 05, 2020

The Week in Breach: 02/26/20 – 03/04/20

This week marks the 100th issue of the Week in Breach! The ID Agent team thanks you for joining our community and working together to keep your credentials off the Dark Web. In this special edition, C-suite executives are compromised, failure to password protect customer data leads to breach, and phishing scam awareness begins to improve.

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February 27, 2020

The Week in Breach: 02/19/20 – 02/25/20

This week, small businesses fail to prevent phishing attacks, online shoppers have their data snatched, and a new study reveals the prominent role of human error in data breaches.

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February 25, 2020

Consumers Are Skeptical About Biometric Data Security: How Companies Can Respond

In 2014, Apple’s introduction of the iPhone 6 was more than just an exciting iteration of its flagship product – it was the launch of Touch ID. This blockbuster device ushered in a new era of widespread biometric data use for the layman. Fingerprints had replaced passcodes as device gatekeepers, charged with protecting the most important, sensitive information.

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February 19, 2020

The Week in Breach: 02/12/20 – 02/18/20

This week, companies are slow to stop phishing attacks, ransomware disrupts productivity, and IBM’s latest threat analysis outlines trends for 2020.

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February 18, 2020

Six Similarities Between GDPR & US Regulatory Requirements

As companies collect and store more and more personal information, they face data privacy risks on many fronts. Increasingly, they are being held accountable for protecting their customers’ digital privacy. New regulations, led by Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018, are quickly becoming normative in countries around the world. In total, 58% of all countries have some form of privacy regulations on the books, and another 10% are drafting legislation.

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February 12, 2020

The Week in Breach: 02/05/20 – 02/11/20

This week, ransomware erodes productivity, a malware attack permanently destroys patient data, and a new study reveals the extent of data breaches in the UK.

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February 10, 2020

The NY SHIELD Act is Almost Here: How to Stay Compliant

Data privacy regulations are quickly becoming par for the course in countries around the world, each one bringing new, nuanced responsibilities for companies to follow. While Europe’s expansive General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) have made most of the headlines, we are just months away from the latest privacy regulation, New York’s “Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security (SHIELD) Act.”

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February 06, 2020

The Importance of Building Better Passwords

Good password hygiene is one of the easiest ways for businesses and consumers to protect their accounts from the millions of attacks threatening personal data every day.

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February 05, 2020

The Week in Breach: 01/29/20 – 02/04/20

This week, a phishing scam compromised an entire healthcare network, malware impacted productivity, and ransomware attacks become costlier than ever.

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January 29, 2020

That relationship is toxic for you: Why you may need to swipe left on your favorite p@55wOrD$!

Since the start of the new year, we’ve been sifting through billions of compromised email addresses and passwords found on the Dark Web looking for interesting trends in password behavior. Rather than just give you the top 10 passwords to avoid, we wanted to take a closer look at user behavior when creating passwords and how those behaviors lead to predictability and potential exploits. Passwords are often deeply personal expressions of oneself with the goal of making them easier to remember. However, remembering which password is which is becoming increasingly difficult in our hyper-digital daily lives. In fact, it is estimated that average US adult has between 90 and 135 different applications that require a set of credentials (typically a username and/or email address and password combination) for access.

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