Dark Web ID Add-Ons
Do a lot more with Dark Web ID when you choose add-ons that let you configure the solution to provide exactly the specialized 24/7/365 security that you and your customers need.
Dark Web Monitoring
Domains Add-On
Do you have multiple domains that need monitoring? We can do that. Choose this add-on to ensure your and your customers’ domains are protected with the power of Dark Web ID.
Live Searches Add-On
Live Data Search is the premiere prospecting tool in the channel, enabling MSPs to quickly run credential compromise reports and overcome objections by clearly demonstrating dark web-related risks to clients and prospects.
Personal Email Monitoring Add-On
Get additional monitoring for the personal email addresses and credentials of your privileged users, like executives and network administrators, to prevent business email compromise, account takeover, impersonation and spoofing.
Supply Chain Domain Monitoring Add-On
Your security is up to date, but is that the case with your suppliers? Find out quickly if supply chain or third-party risks are putting your business in danger and act before the bad guys do
unique concerns? Ask us about it!
We’ve built extensive functionality and integrations into our solutions, and we’re happy to help you find the configuration that best serves your business!
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